

Hi, it's been a long time since i last posted. yes, i know.
First of all, I'd like to apologize to Mrs.Kitao for my beeing so lazy on this assighment. But I will show her my mind to do it by reading over 300 pages within 7 days.

this is my first day of this challenge. i chose this book, "le petit prince".
have anyone read this story ever?
this is my favorite story. and it's like Bible for me. i'm greatly influenced by this story.

let me introduce the outline of this story on this post.

There is a man who is a pilot.He crashed badly in the sahara desert and was left with little food and water.Then, he met a little boy, the prince. he asked the pilot "Please draw a sheep for me". this was the first meeting of them.
talking and getting along with the little prince reminded the pilot the heart of child that he almost forgot.

there are many phrases that would makes us think of our life of today and gives us heart warmed feeling. i'll show you some phrases that i meet through reading this book in English.

1 件のコメント:

  1. You are working hard.
    It's nice.
