
the third day

I read page 34-70 today.

this was the scene that the pilot first had a spat with the prince. it was happend when the piplot was working on fixing his airplance that crushed.
the prince asked him "does the sheep you gave me eat flowers?"
and he answered "yes, yes,sheep eat anything"
the prince said "anything? but, but, how about the flowers with thorns?"
but he ill-treated the prince, he said "I'm busy with an importnat thing!" and the prince got angry with his saying. and said "you realy think it's not importnat? the war between the flowers of the sheep?"
and after, he say my favorite phraise, this.

"if someone loved a flower of which just one example exists among all the millions of stars, that's enough to make him happy when he looks up stars. he tells himself 'my flower is up there somewhere ...'

and he continued tellimng "but if a sheep eats the flowe, then for him it's as if,suddenly all the stars went out.and it isn't important?"

then the prince told about his life on his little planet, the life with his flower and the journey he had.

he was living on a very little planet that only had 3 small volcanos.
one day, he found a bud. he was very carful to observe it because if it was a bud of baobab, he should take it away before it covers his little planet.
but it didn't seem the bud of a baobab, but it was one of rose.
the prince was waiting to see the flower yawnsa and wakes up.
the time had come, she saying and woke up "forgive me I'm still all untiday."
but he couldn't to say, "how lovely you are!"

i think the conversation of the prince and the rose is just like the one that women and men has.

they sometimes got along well, had a spat and after all and what the most importnat thing of them is he spend time for the flower. the day to say good bey came.
and the prince learned the preciousness of the flower, how the flower made him cheerful.
and he said "realizing after losing".

he left his planet and used migratry bird to taravel.
he met some people, the king that belives himself is the all, vain man that believes he is the best,drunk man that ashems drinking,buisness man that always being busy with very nansense thing,lamplighter that always work, and geographer that never traveled.
for the price, the lumplighter was the only man that he didn't think "it's ridiculous." and "i think i can be his friend" but according to him, the planet of the lumplihter was too small to live for two people.

i think that the people who the prince met in his journy were the typical model of grown-ups of today.
in my opinion, all the grown-ups are caught by working.
and they forget the days once they were children.they must had bright and colorful meaning of living when they were children.
it's monochrime when im wearing the glasses of grown-ups.

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