
the forth day

hi this is the last post of le petit prince
i read page70-124 today.

after journy to some planets, the prince arrived to the earth.
and he was thinking about his flower. he was worrying and missing his flower.
he actually felt so lonely.

first, he met a snake. the snake tought him "how can he return to his planet."
second he weny up the mountain and heard some one calls himself, he says same thing as the prince,"i feel so lonely". it's actually echo, but in my idea, i was the voice of all the people who lost his "special". i think the people who lost special chore, like loving someone or something, i mean taking care of,  have empty on his heart and in that space there are echo that says "im feeling lonely."
and next, he met a thausand of flowers that really looks like his flower. but he learned that the flowers that he met on the earth are completly different from the flower that he lived with on his planet. the fox he will have met next, will taught him this fact.

"the time he spend n the flower made the differentce."

and the last he met a fox.
let me introduce my favorite phraise of him.

"for instance,if you come at four in the afternoon,i'll begin to be happy by three.the closer it gets to four, the happier i'll feel. by four i'll be all excited and worried; I'lldiscover what it costs to be happy."

a fox and the prince became frineds soon but the day to say good bye came. and a fox told the prince this also "you must not forget it. you are responsiblr forever  for what you've tamed. "

this is the end of the story about his journy that the prince told to the pilot.
they walked to look for water.
and after walking and walking, they had finally found one!
and the prince said "do you know why the desert is beautiful?" "because, it hides well somewhere".

what makes something common beutiful is invisible.

and the last of this story is beutiful also, because it is also invisible.
it's actually not so clearly, but it says that the prince disapeared.
that's enough, the prince is alive in one's mind and bit by the snake and became a star in one's mind.
but what the fact that is same in the mind of all is you can hear the giggling of the prince whenever you look up the night sky.

2 件のコメント:

  1. Hi,Mai!
    I'm interested in this book when you told me the word at listening class.
    So I want to buy a book and read it in this summer:)
    I am looking forward to see your blog, too!

  2. HI,Mai.
    Write your blog! NOW! seriously!
    leave Disney!
