
the fifth day

so next, i started to read this book "a picture book without picrures"

this is a kind of fantasy and poetly.

the storu begins from the room of the painter,the lead charactor of this story.
the room is described like this"it was a small one where i was living,but  have never missed the light. because it was placed at the highest place in the city. i could see all the roofs.and there was the  moon and it talked to me every night, oh it wasnt 'every night ' there were some days that the moon didny appear himself."

dont you think it's really a romantic beginning?

and as the mention on the above, the moon told what he saw,heard and felt buring his trip.

the story that he told on the first night was about a girl from india.
she was on the river and holding a lump.
i guess she was trying to believe that her beloved was alive.
"and she noticed that her love is alive , she said happly 'he's alive!' and there was return 'he's alive!'"

there were the stories of france,germany,uppsala,the nearby narrow and the coast in the middle of winter on the pages where i read for this time.


the forth day

hi this is the last post of le petit prince
i read page70-124 today.

after journy to some planets, the prince arrived to the earth.
and he was thinking about his flower. he was worrying and missing his flower.
he actually felt so lonely.

first, he met a snake. the snake tought him "how can he return to his planet."
second he weny up the mountain and heard some one calls himself, he says same thing as the prince,"i feel so lonely". it's actually echo, but in my idea, i was the voice of all the people who lost his "special". i think the people who lost special chore, like loving someone or something, i mean taking care of,  have empty on his heart and in that space there are echo that says "im feeling lonely."
and next, he met a thausand of flowers that really looks like his flower. but he learned that the flowers that he met on the earth are completly different from the flower that he lived with on his planet. the fox he will have met next, will taught him this fact.

"the time he spend n the flower made the differentce."

and the last he met a fox.
let me introduce my favorite phraise of him.

"for instance,if you come at four in the afternoon,i'll begin to be happy by three.the closer it gets to four, the happier i'll feel. by four i'll be all excited and worried; I'lldiscover what it costs to be happy."

a fox and the prince became frineds soon but the day to say good bye came. and a fox told the prince this also "you must not forget it. you are responsiblr forever  for what you've tamed. "

this is the end of the story about his journy that the prince told to the pilot.
they walked to look for water.
and after walking and walking, they had finally found one!
and the prince said "do you know why the desert is beautiful?" "because, it hides well somewhere".

what makes something common beutiful is invisible.

and the last of this story is beutiful also, because it is also invisible.
it's actually not so clearly, but it says that the prince disapeared.
that's enough, the prince is alive in one's mind and bit by the snake and became a star in one's mind.
but what the fact that is same in the mind of all is you can hear the giggling of the prince whenever you look up the night sky.


the third day

I read page 34-70 today.

this was the scene that the pilot first had a spat with the prince. it was happend when the piplot was working on fixing his airplance that crushed.
the prince asked him "does the sheep you gave me eat flowers?"
and he answered "yes, yes,sheep eat anything"
the prince said "anything? but, but, how about the flowers with thorns?"
but he ill-treated the prince, he said "I'm busy with an importnat thing!" and the prince got angry with his saying. and said "you realy think it's not importnat? the war between the flowers of the sheep?"
and after, he say my favorite phraise, this.

"if someone loved a flower of which just one example exists among all the millions of stars, that's enough to make him happy when he looks up stars. he tells himself 'my flower is up there somewhere ...'

and he continued tellimng "but if a sheep eats the flowe, then for him it's as if,suddenly all the stars went out.and it isn't important?"

then the prince told about his life on his little planet, the life with his flower and the journey he had.

he was living on a very little planet that only had 3 small volcanos.
one day, he found a bud. he was very carful to observe it because if it was a bud of baobab, he should take it away before it covers his little planet.
but it didn't seem the bud of a baobab, but it was one of rose.
the prince was waiting to see the flower yawnsa and wakes up.
the time had come, she saying and woke up "forgive me I'm still all untiday."
but he couldn't to say, "how lovely you are!"

i think the conversation of the prince and the rose is just like the one that women and men has.

they sometimes got along well, had a spat and after all and what the most importnat thing of them is he spend time for the flower. the day to say good bey came.
and the prince learned the preciousness of the flower, how the flower made him cheerful.
and he said "realizing after losing".

he left his planet and used migratry bird to taravel.
he met some people, the king that belives himself is the all, vain man that believes he is the best,drunk man that ashems drinking,buisness man that always being busy with very nansense thing,lamplighter that always work, and geographer that never traveled.
for the price, the lumplighter was the only man that he didn't think "it's ridiculous." and "i think i can be his friend" but according to him, the planet of the lumplihter was too small to live for two people.

i think that the people who the prince met in his journy were the typical model of grown-ups of today.
in my opinion, all the grown-ups are caught by working.
and they forget the days once they were children.they must had bright and colorful meaning of living when they were children.
it's monochrime when im wearing the glasses of grown-ups.



Hi, this is the second day of my hot challenge.

I read until page34 this time.

this story begins from the time of when the pilot was a boy.
he was a boy who is very childish one. One day, he saw a very magnificent picture in a  book called "True Stories".it showed him a wild beast was swalled by a boa and he saw a picture that made him surprie him more than the last picture. it was the sight of a boa eating an elephant!
and he tried to drraw the picture of the sight, "a boa eating an elephant".
this is the picture.
what if you did'n't know about the boa and the boy that  i wrote above,  what do you recognize this picture of? Do you really think that you'll say "It's a picture of a boa eating his pray , an elephant!"? if you do, i really recomend you to be his friends! because he wanted someone like that.

he showed his work number1 and ask them like "Does it scare you?" to grown-ups, but the answers were always same, "oh, that's a hat.why does it make us fear?".then he stopped to talk them about the important things like that, instead of that kind of things, he learned to a pilot airplane.
but after he became a grown-ups, he still had a heart of a boy, he believed that it's more important to know that learning your friends' favorite flavor of ice-cream, or what colored roof of the house he is living than the numbers that grown-ups love, like how much does he earn, or how many brothers do they have? as he said, grown-ups believe that they know about their frinends so much after they asked about their friends' numbers.

that's so weird i think.
and he finally met a frined, the little prince.he giggle like the shining of the stars, his hair flys and plays with the wind like the golden wheat fields. he came and talked to the pilot, "please draw a picture of a sheep", as if it was a very important thing.
this is the picture of the pilot draw for the prince, and he chose the sheep was in the box on the picture. he said "oh, that's him! i wanted the sheep like him!". i like this phraise very much. it tells me "import thing is to see with your eyes, but with the mind.



Hi, it's been a long time since i last posted. yes, i know.
First of all, I'd like to apologize to Mrs.Kitao for my beeing so lazy on this assighment. But I will show her my mind to do it by reading over 300 pages within 7 days.

this is my first day of this challenge. i chose this book, "le petit prince".
have anyone read this story ever?
this is my favorite story. and it's like Bible for me. i'm greatly influenced by this story.

let me introduce the outline of this story on this post.

There is a man who is a pilot.He crashed badly in the sahara desert and was left with little food and water.Then, he met a little boy, the prince. he asked the pilot "Please draw a sheep for me". this was the first meeting of them.
talking and getting along with the little prince reminded the pilot the heart of child that he almost forgot.

there are many phrases that would makes us think of our life of today and gives us heart warmed feeling. i'll show you some phrases that i meet through reading this book in English.


Week 4 Let's step into the world of OZ

Now, i started reading Wicked.

this story is starting with the very familiar scene that Dorothy is walking with her pals, the lion, ScareCrow and Tin Woodman on the yellow brick road.

and they are talking about an unfortunatly witch; Elphaba the witch of west, the wicked witch.
As they talked about her, her skin is deep green and she was addicted to medicine for it.
they talked more about her, but most of them are suspectable. they are just like slamders that you can't surely recognize if it was true.
i have learn how the rumors spread among the people and how they decorate it to make it more amusing.

now i am thinking that reading this story might be to understand how the people thinking about each others in generally, it's kind of interesting.


Week3 "changed my mind"

 hello, girls :) how are you doing?
me? i have enjoyed my GW and feeling like that i want to go to school and see you all :D

ok, let's move on today's topic.
to be frank, i have changed my book to read for this reading class.
there are some reasons for that i decided so.
-1st reason: the book doesn't fancy me so much. it's still INTERESTING. but i dont think that i could read it up :P
-2nd reason: It's a little difficult. I mean the words.
3rd reason: i've found a more interesting and exciting book to read that is like tickling my heart.


"WICKED" this is an original story of the well-known musical Wicked! here is the story out line.
    This is a story of  the two witch, Glinda and Elphaba.
they are known as a good witch and an evil witch. But do you know why the evil witch Enphaba become a Wicked witch? 
As you can see, this story is based on "The Great wizard of OZ".

i am really excited to read it!